The Drill trailer is designed to core holes up to 1 mts in diameter. It is powered by its diesel engine and is self driven which eliminates the need for a truck or van to tow it around site. It has the capacity to hold 1000 litres of water and has a built in pressurized waterpump.It is by far the fastest method of coredrilling quantities of holes in open slab areas or doing test cores for roads, pavements or runways. It has a hydraulic operated drill mount and movable table which allows greater speed to set up time for the required hole to be drilled thus increasing productivity.
Ace Core Cutters Ltd Coming Soon...
Liam Wynne (Director) Tel: 00353 87 3649015 (mobile) email id: Address: Ace Core Cutters Limited, Lisduff, Errill, Portlaoise, County Laois, Ireland.